The Chrislip House 300 S. Hickory

It all began with a breath-taking message…

It all began with breath-taking message. It was from my mom. A good friend of hers noticed that her childhood house was for sale, and she shared that with me. My heart immediately started to race. I lost my grandparents much sooner than I expected, so to get a piece of them back would be…incredible….

I texted my realtor.

We went to see the house that afternoon….

The second I walked in the house, I had to hold back the tears. I had to remind myself to breathe. The smell as you walked in the back door was just like I remembered it from when I was little. It was like…lavender and oatmeal cookies and love. It was all I could do to hold myself together as we walked room after room.

The layout was the same, the bathroom medicine cabinet was the same.

The carpet was the same. The light fixtures were the same.

The wooden staircase was the same. The bathtubs were the same.

It was nearly untouched after having sold it 2o years earlier! Someone had loved my grandparents home just as much they did, so much so that they didn’t change much at all. When we walked out to the garage, and my grandpa’s drafting table was still there, I couldn’t help but open it. And when I did, and I found his pencils, his name tag, notes written in his handwriting, and pictures of my aunt, I knew we were buying that house. I need to spend more time there and fill my heart with them again. We made an offer sent with a beautiful note to the owners, and our offer was accepted. In that moment I knew something incredible was blooming- the journey had begun.


1940's Apartment Make-Over